What are Learning (Cognitive) MAPS?

Learning Maps are: Memory, Attention, Processing and Sequencing. These are the essential cognitive processes that a student needs for reading and learning.

Examples of Cognitive Skills include:

MEMORY:  Improves the ability to retain information both short and long term. This is essential for word recognition, comprehension of complex sentences, and remembering instruction.

ATTENTION: Enhances the ability to focus on multiple tasks and ignore distractions

PROCESSING: Allows you to see, analyze and discriminate images and sounds quickly
enough to discriminate their differences; a prerequisite for phonemic awareness and reading

SEQUENCING: This is a cognitive skill that relies on memory, attention and processing and is essential for phonics, word fluency, reading and oral comprehension. Sequencing places information in a logical order which in turn allows for improved memory attention and processing.

Brain plasticity research demonstrates that completing learning tasks in a frequent, intense timeframe accelerates learning. Just as exercise promotes physical fitness, exercising our brain improves brain fitness in four critical areas: memory, attention, processing and sequencing.

In addition, the research is recognized and supported by other scientists in peer reviews from Stanford University, Cornell University, UCSF Medical Center & Rutgers University, and many other top Universities, including a recent study by Dr. Nadine Gaab of Children’s Hospital Boston ((Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Deutsch, G.K., Tallal, P., & Temple, E. (2007). Neural correlates of rapid auditory processing are disrupted in children with developmental dyslexia and ameliorated with training: An fMRI study. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 25, 295-310)).

Finding the right product to improve cognitive skills can be overwhelming for the consumer. Numerous articles and research studies can be found online that address the interest and concern in this popular field of learning and brain development. In fact, a Google search on “brain video games” resulted in more than 32 million hits! Members of the education community, parents and teachers alike, who are looking for programs for their students, should be cognizant of the importance of scientific research.

If a product is touted as “research-based,” what are the origins, extent and validity of that research? Are the products intended to test or improve cognitive skills? According to Dr. William Jenkins, Scientific Learning’s Chief Scientific Officer, “a program that is designed to improve cognitive, reading or language skills and build brain fitness is adaptive to the student’s abilities; critical tasks are practiced at an appropriate frequency and intensity; multiple skills are cross-trained at the same time for lasting improvement; and rewards are built into the program for maximum motivation as the student progresses.”

Developed by neuroscientists, the evidence-based Fast ForWord reading intervention uses a unique 3-part model to directly target and fix the root causes of language and reading difficulty. It provides students with the foundational language and cognitive skills, deliberate practice, and guided reading support they need to make fast improvements, which continue even after they finish the program. The new Fast ForWord is a powerful solution for K-12 intervention, at-home intervention, or clinical support intervention.