Originally Broadcasted
Date: Thursday 12th August 2021

Here are the 3 main takeaways:

1. Whether we see the glass half empty or half full is 25% hereditary. This “personality trait” is linked to brain processes, henced can be changed with conscious effort. It is useful to see optimism and pessimism as lying in a continuum. The optimal equilibrium is a cautious optimism firmly grounded in reality.

2. There are 3 distinct areas of differences between optimists and pessimists:

Selective attention: Optimists pay less attention to negative events.
Locus of Control: Optimists believe that they have the power to influence situations, events and relationships.
Explanatory Style: When good things happen, optimists explain using more personalised, permanent & pervasive beliefs. The opposite takes place when bad things happen.

3. Strategies to build stronger optimism and resilience:

Drive Selective attention to Positives:
  • Point attention to positives along the way to success
  • Track growth and look back to see progress
  • Express gratitude
Develop Internal Locus of Control:
  • Be mindful of over-parenting; Allow children to make choices.
  • Support teens in developing responsible choice-making.
  • Increase self-efficacy through strengthening motor skills, self-help skills, cognitive skills, social skills
Develop Healthier Explanatory Styles:
  • Listen to yourself and your child. Be watchful of and correct inaccurate or unhelpful thoughts.
  • Teach children to think more helpful thoughts.

Featured Speaker

Ms Cheryl Chia, Founder and Director, BrainFit®

With more than 20 years’ experience in brain fitness training, Ms Cheryl Chia is an accomplished physiotherapist, who is also the founder of BrainFit, an entity that specialises in scientific brain fitness training. Cheryl holds a Master Degree in Physiotherapy Studies from the University of Queensland, Australia. She was awarded a full scholarship from KK Hospital, Singapore and was also the overall coordinator for paediatric neurology physiotherapy there. She has lectured in Nanyang Polytechnic and is a much sought-after speaker, including at events organised by MediaCorp, the Child Guidance Clinic, schools and international brain-based learning conferences. She is a frequent invited guest on Parenting Made Easy Radio 93.8, where she shares her expertise on brain fitness to help parents raise smarter and more resilient children. Cheryl is also an author and a mother to two young girls.