John Kerins

Founder and Director

Neuron Learning


Thank you!


I’ll be in touch shortly to organise time for us to talk about how to motivate your students to love maths.

In the meantime, let’s connect on LinkedIn… You can find me over at

What to expect now…


1. We’ll jump on a call

This is not a templated approach. I know every single buisness and client is unique. I’ll work with you to explore and understand your business.

2. We’ll map out where you currently are

We’ll pinpoint what’s preventing your managers from being more effective and identify the gap between where they are now, and where you need them to be.

3. We’ll create your plan

We’ll design a solution that’s right for your business and right for your managers building a unique programme from a choice of over 70 bitesize sessions.

4. Action!

We’ll get the diaries out and get cracking!

What other clients say……

“My Daughter is doing Fastword. She was struggling a lot, but thanks to Joyce my daughter has became better. when you see your daughter  making progress – it’s brilliant”

Bridget Galvin 




“My daughter is  able to focus more when she does study – and she is now finishing her tests in time, whereas before she’d not be able to complete them in the allotted time. She has been very good about putting in the time with the Fast Forword app.”

Tessa Hanafin


“Our daughter made great improvements thanks to all the programs followed. We are really grateful and strongly recommend this program..”

Enrico Solda

Let’s get started…

© 2020 – 2024 Neuron Learning